Our team is passionate about assisting women as they navigate different phases of their lives. We provide hope, confidence, clarity, and joy. Our team offers compassionate expertise to address the unique financial challenges faced by women. From career choices and changes, to motherhood and single-motherhood, marriage, separation, divorce and seasons of caregiving, women have more life transitions than nearly any other group of our clients. Women often juggle several balls simultaneously, and without even realizing it, they inadvertently neglect to care for themselves and their futures. We stand ready to assist and guide during each season of life.

Successful Financial Women | Smarter Retirement Solutions

Career Change

Pursuing a new career path can be fulfilling and exciting, filled with new opportunities for professional growth and success. Before making permanent changes it is critical to review your entire financial plan is aligned with your current and future objectives.

Our team will assist you with budgeting and cash flow needs, align your short and long term investment strategy, and recalibrate your Retirement Income Plan to ensure that your new career choice aligns with your lifetime objectives

Successful Financial Women | Smarter Retirement Solutions


Finding a life partner is a wonderful delight. Managing finances with someone new can be a challenge. Will you combine your accounts or keep them separate?How do you each see risk and reward? Blending two lives is a challenge. Blending two financial strategies and plans is an entirely different task and requires thoughtful planning and patient decision-making. Our team of fiduciaries will offer ideas, and best practices to help you and your spouse craft a customized Retirement Income Plan and adapt your spending habits to accommodate “us” rather than just “me” or “you.”

Successful Financial Women | Smarter Retirement Solutions


Parenting, and Motherhood in particular, is a joyous labor of love. The little faces that call you Mom rely on you for nearly every aspect of life. This adventure can be full of tremendous highs and exhausting lows. Our team deeply honors the role of mothers and works hard to ensure that your financial decisions as a parent allow you to thrive during each season of life.

Successful Financial Women | Smarter Retirement Solutions


A financial windfall can seem like an amazing blessing at the time. Often, however, this influx of capital can bring major changes to your financial plan. In these cases, the emotional impact of the loss of a loved one and the receipt of your inheritances can have a deep and lasting impact on your short and long-term life goals. Having access to a team of trusted advisors who have experienced these life events personally can make a tremendous difference in your long-term success and aid you in making wise decisions and determining the best path forward.

Successful Financial Women | Smarter Retirement Solutions


We help you plan for the next chapter of your life with peace of mind and confidence. You can rely on the team at Smarter Retirement Solutions to patiently and compassionately help you understand each of your decisions and the long term impact of divorce. We help you think about your current and future income needs, refined investment objectives, long long-term care decisions as a newly single person. We collaborate with your other professional advisors to adjust your estate and tax strategies and ensure they work in tandem with your newly refocused financial and investment plan.

Successful Financial Women | Smarter Retirement Solutions

Family Loss

Losing a loved one is an emotionally charged and often life-altering experience. You may find yourself dealing with a current loss, or you know you need to plan for an expected future event. In either case, our team of compassionate professionals will help you navigate the challenging seasons of loss.

Successful Financial Women | Smarter Retirement Solutions


Women are living longer than ever before, which can be a double-edged sword. You will likely enjoy far more time to make memories while being exposed to the risk that longevity brings to your retirement cash flow. You can rely on the Smarter Retirement Solutions team to proactively monitor your investment strategy and time horizon. We balance the need for current income with the need for dignity as you age. Our 5 SMART Steps to Retirement Planning is an ideal roadmap for your long term success.

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